Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Love Guru

THE LOVE GURU starring Mike Myers, Jessica Alba, and Justin Timberlake, just to name a few. The feature film is set to be released June 20th.

Where do I even begin with this? Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. It looks like Austin Powers Four! Mr. Myers tends to keep to the format of what makes him money! This millennium, Myers has stuck to playing two characters, a giant green one and a disturbing horney one. The only other two movies (The Cat in the Hat and The View from the Top) he has been in, have both been flops! Not only is he sticking to the format, but he is sticking to the costars. Justin Timberlake (Shrek 3) and Verne Troyer (Mini Me) both have roles in the film. I wouldn't be surprised if Princess Fiona made a quick cameo.

The biggest thing I am worried about is Alba. She doesn't have the best history at the box office! A local radio DJ said, "I know a movie is going to be awful is she is in it." I tend to agree with that point. I thought Good Luck Chuck was good, but she could have easily been replaced! She is not a good actress, just a pretty one!

Lastly, I am waiting to see the guest stars. On big comedies, such as this one, there are always little cameos by some big names who want to think they are funny. Think back to the last Austin Powers - Tom Cruise, Gwyneth Paltrow and John Travolta! Jessica Simpson is listed in the credits, so that should be interesting. Myers is big enough were he can call his friends to play the most ridiculous parts. Who knows who will sing the opening credits with him this time!

1 comment:

Homero Gil de Zuniga said...

I agree with you!! This can be the best or the worst movie of the year. Yet, Iam pretty sure I will end up watching it. Another poor soul deceived by Hollywood money maker machine...
: - )